Open list

Last name First name Institution Job title  
van Esterik Mart Utrecht University PhD Candidate
van Esterik Mart Utrecht University PhD Candidate
Van Hoorick Geert Centre for Environmental and Energy Law, Ghent University Professor
van Rijswick Marleen Utrecht University / Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law Professor of European and Dutch Water Law
van Wolferen Matthijs University of Groningen PhD
van Zeben Josephine Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Bloomington, Indiana (USA) Visiting postdoctoral researcher
Vandenheede Pieter Stibbe Lawyer
Vanhellemont Anna Hasselt University Asisstant Environmental Law
Vanheusden Bernard Hasselt University Prof. dr.
Vedder Hans University of Groningen Professor of Economic Law