Open list

Last name First name Institution Job title  
Sikora Alicja Jagiellonian University Senior Lecturer , Dr
Silivarajoo Punitha Imperial College London Doctoral Resaercher
Silva Pedro Pablo Center for Marine Environmental Sciences - MARUM, Universität Bremen Legal Researcher - Doktorand
Similä Jukka Law Faculty, University of Lapland Research Professor
Sioutis Glykeria National University of Athens, Law Faculty Professor of Public Law and Environmental Law
Sirakaya Ays Ghent University PhD Researcher
Sluka Charlotte Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Principal Associate
Sobota Marcin Wrocław University of Environmental and Life SciencesFaculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy PhD law
Sobotta Christoph Court of Justice of the European Union, Chambers of Advocate General Kokott Legal Secretary (Référendaire)
Sobrino-García Itziar University of A Coruña Postdoctoral Researcher